Monday, February 15, 2010

Palibe Ofana ndi Yesu!

I have to confess I've been listening to sermons by John Piper pretty much everyday and I'm PUMPED. God is teaching me so much right now I will explode! It has not been a tremendous week. I actually have received very bad and discouraging news about one of my friends and am in deep turmoil over her situation. My heart can hardly bare it. I have faith through that God will do something INCREDIBLE through my friend. There is no doubt that his glory will somehow be shown through her beautiful heart. God is so mighty. He is sovereign. He has chosen me and has me in the palm of his hand and will never let me go. I am seeing how wonderful God is for saving a wretch like me!
My students are doing great! Please pray for Tiffany. She has been sick every week that we have been back to school since Christmas. Pray for me to take my responsibility of shaping the lives of the 6 and 7 year olds God has given me for the year. Each heart is unique and precious in the sight of God. Last week for Bible I taught about the story where Jesus told the disciples to "let the little children come to me and do not hinder them." Some of them come from broken homes and some come from non-Christian families. Helping to shape their Christ-like character needs to be my priority everyday I am here.
Good stories for the week: Carey ate some bugs at recess which he was very proud of, Eungi has been talking in English a little during class and has started to write sentences!, and the bean plant that was supposed to die in the dark closet to teach that plants need sunlight, it grew taller then all of the other plants that had water and light.
We had our first youth small group last Sunday. 7 teens came. 1 South African, 1 European, and 5 Malawian guys. I am really excited about what God has in store for the group of teens who are not all confident in what they believe. We have a couple of ministry opportunities to do with the group and I can't wait to see Gods power! Pray for our next meeting this Thursday night!

Thank you all for your continual financial support! I am overwhelmed by your generosity and service!
Thank you for your prayer! I have been so blessed!

I would like to invite anyone who has a heart to serve and would like to teach next year to contact me. There are positions open at the academy next year. We also have a great need for someone at least for the summer to manage construction projects on campus. The current "fix-it" man has been here for 2 years and will be returning to the US at the end of the year. As you might know, I break things, not fix them, so I would be a hindrance in this area.

Palibe Ofana ndi Yesu! (there is no one like Jesus!)


  1. Oh, everything you touch turns to broke! Yes! Carey ate bugs!!!

    Piper is pretty awesome. Other pretty great sermons come from Mark Driscoll, Tim Keller, and Perimeter Church in Atlanta... if you want to look those up.

    Praying for you! I hope you have some awesome bday plans!

  2. Hey Whot! We're going through Piper's book, "Finally Alive" in our Romanian bible study/church services right now. It's really good! Oh and also we did the same experiment with the bean plant...the one we put in the dark did the same thing...searching for light :) miss you tons..........can't wait to swap stories in you...
